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Dog Stuff


Our dogs are part of the family. Here are Christy’s Crushes for all things dog related.

If you have dogs that shed, this FURMINATOR is a MUST HAVE! You should see the pounds of hair I get off my labs with this magic tool. Quick and easy. I also think the dogs like it. It’s like a gentle scratch and massage for them.

I HEART DOGS ( is one of my fave shops for adorable dog related gifts and merch. EVERY purchase makes an impact because with each purchase you are making a donation to a designated give-back program that helps change the lives of pets and people everywhere. I love a great product that also gives back….WIN, WIN! And how cute is this tank?

Does your dog suffer from anxiety, arthritis or other pain? Green Compass CBD pet tincture has helped our 11 year lab with his anxiety and arthritis when nothing else worked. It’s certified organic, made in USA and farm to table….which means Green Compass keeps 100% control over the ENTIRE PROCESS of creating its products…no outsourcing the harvesting, no outsourcing the extraction, no outsourcing the processing, no outsourcing the packaging or anything!! In the unregulated CBD industry, keeping 100% control is the ONLY way to ensure your quality, purity and credibility to stand behind what’s in your bottle.

Ya’ll we go through a lot of poop bags. I’ve purchased from Target, Walmart and Amazon through the years. These are by far my fave and my go-tos now. They are thick, durable and have a great fresh scent….bonus, they are earth friendly!

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